七彩研究院 元宇宙元年最值得期待的P2E游戏

11月30日晚上19:00,七彩研究院与Souni以主题《元宇宙元年最值得期待的P2E游戏》在七彩研究院直播间进行干货分享。主持人:七彩研究院雪糕,分享嘉宾:Mathew Nguyen—Souni CEO。

七彩研究院 元宇宙元年最值得期待的P2E游戏


七彩研究院雪糕:各位小伙伴们晚上好,我是今天直播间的主持人,感谢七彩研究院的各位小伙伴们能够准时和我们相约,今天我们很荣幸邀请Souni CEO:Mathew Nguyen到做客七彩研究院,开展一场以“元宇宙元年最值得期待的P2E游戏”为主题的直播活动!本次AMA采取中英文对照模式,让我们进入今天的AMA主题活动。

Q1、Caroline: Could you please introduce a bit of yourself


A1:Hello, My name is Mathew Nguyen. I was born and raised in a peaceful S-shaped country, which is Vietnam.

I used to be a math teacher. Besides, I am also fueled by a deep technology curiosity, which is how I’ve known about the crypto market and worked full time in this field since 2016. 

During that time, I supported the development of several technology companies on layer 0 blockchain, cross-chain, exchange projects and also supported to organize several government conferences related to law and technology 4.0.

A1:你好,我的名字是Mathew Nguyen。我出生在一个和平的S型国家,也就是越南。



Q2、Caroline:Could you please introduce a bit of Sovi Universe(SOUNI) project?

Q2、七彩研究院主持人雪糕:你能介绍一下Sovi Universe(SOUNI)项目吗?

A2:SOUNI is a 3D MMO RPG P2E game built on Binance Smart Chain. It delivers a met averse world of warriors, magicians, dragons, elements and spirits.

Players could form up a clan of their own, use different combinations and strategies to challenge and explore the world, compete and earn reward, enjoy the metaverse game meanwhile gaining profit.

A2:SOUNI是一款基于BSC的3D MMO RPG P2E游戏。它提供了一个由战士、魔术师、龙、元素和灵魂组成的元宇宙世界。


Q3、Caroline:.How do you see the difference between traditional game and Gamefi project?


A3:This is actually quite a straight forward question.

Traditional game is more like a business, while users are purchasing from the service provider not only paying for the game experience, but virtual items as well, it is a purely business to client model.

While Gamefi project is more like a ecosystem, in another word, a society, which all demand and supply are delivered by players, the service provider only act as the role to maintain the service, more like a government instead of the seller for everything.

Traditional company might not like this idea as it differs the benefit model which they enjoys, the monopoly, but this is the situation that is going to change, players nowadays tends to prefer more open option experience, they want to create content, items, even experiences, scripts by their own.

This is a revolution going to happen in game industry just like what facebook, google and tiktok changed the traditional media industry.

A3: 这其实是一个相当直截了当的问题。





Q4、Caroline:What is the major difference of SOUNI that is different from the other Gamefi project, and what problems does SOUNI avoids by these unique mechanisms


A4:SOUNI optimized the tokenomics, which allow everyone to be able to join the game with no barriers, free to join. This ensures massive user base and creates good environment of competition and massive social connections. In order to realize this and maintain good game experience, SOUNI used a new tokenomics to avoid abusement from bot players. Normal players can enjoy the game, get items and sell to other players for income, without worrying the token drop in price.

Also, SOUNI introduces a very unique play to earn mechanism, which allow users to bid world boss dropped items, and generate income for all participants without causing extra inflation.


此外,SOUNI还引入了一种非常独特的play to earn机制,允许用户对掉落的物品进行出价,并为所有参与者创造收入,而不会造成额外的通货膨胀。

Q5、Caroline:What is the next schedule of SOUNI project


A5:SOUNI plans to launch the conversion session for previous marketing campaign and previous version users, yes, you are right, SOUNI has its loyal members of almost 30,000 existing fan base, which they will be participating in the game as the initial users, but don’t worry, the value that inherits from will be sinked into the NFTs, which won’t influence the new token holders.

After this, SOUNI will be doing IGO with gamestarter, this is confirmed information.

We are looking forward to launch the game alpha and beta version in January, and official version in February. And for every further month we will be announcing a new version with more functions, yes we will be doing very prompt updates.




Q6、Caroline:As a user, what should be anticipating and how should we participate?


A6:Firstly, Participating in mystery campaign which would happen in December is a good way to start. Because the NFT released in the mystery box, especially rare items are very difficult to get within the game.

Secondly, start early in the game gives you advantage in time, which allows you to obtain high ranking characters and equipments before other players. This advantage will enable you to gain great profit in token within world boss battle and PVP arenas.



Q7、Caroline:How does SOUNi present the play to earn mechanism that is going to be stable also brings fun to players


A7:A good tokenomic system would have reasonable issue, recycle and reissue circle, instead of infinite supply or any short term mechanisms that only boost the market for a blink. Within SOUNI, in order to gain more, players will need to consume SON token to leverage their characters, gain more in PVP and arena, then leverage more, which is a healthy circle that involves both demand and supply.

On the other hand, the innovative play to earn mechanism ensures very low issuing rate from game, but users are able to earn tokens from each other by providing battle power during boss fight, more like a service and pay model, who has higher demand and wants to pay more becomes the buyer, while all others become the earner.



Q8、Caroline:What is SOUNi go to market strategy?


A8:As I mentioned above, as a very big advantage, SOUNI possess almost 30K existing fanbase world wide. Above that, SOUNI cooperates with KOLs and communities in every major markets. The private fund raising strategy is more open to influencers and traffic sources, this is the preparation for the game launch, which is when the real challenge and strength starts to show.


Q9、Caroline:As an investor if I did not want to play the game, but somehow I still want to benefit from the ecosystem, is there ways?


A9:Yes there are ways.

You can either choose to rent your NFTs in the market to the other players to earn tokens, or rent your account to scholars by using internal risk free solution.

The alternative way is to stake token into liquidity pool, and use the LP token for the treasure key, which allows you earn dividends from the ecosystem consumptions, as more and more players join the game, this dividends will increase.




Q10、Caroline: How would you be predicting the trend for Gamefi?


A10:In my opinion, the Gamefi trend is just starting.

First of all, majority Gamefi projects are still within its developing stage, more playable ones will be launched in 2022, which we could be expecting real innovations and good project to reveal.

Second, majority of the Gamefi projects at the current stage still focuses on its economics model, while majority of users are not here to enjoy the game experience instead see it as a gaining tool. While I believe along the development of this part of the industry, this is going to be changed. Better experience and more matured economy system would balance between, so that the players would be more distinguished and satisfy different purposes. All that leads to the common goal that we believe: the true metaverse.




七彩研究院主持人雪糕:好的,非常感谢Souni CEO:Mathew Nguyen的精彩分享,为此我们也对Souni有了全新的认识,接下来关于Souni有任何疑惑的小伙伴可以在自由提问环节提出你的问题,嘉宾会随机挑选问题进行回复。 

Q1:Marketing strategy is very important. It is difficult for a product to be established in a market without marketing and promotion, no matter what its benefits. So what’s your plan for this? 

A1:The next step is to start publishing plans in the global market to let more people know about Souni.

Q2:When will IGO be conducted?

A2:We will release IGO on December 3.

Q3:In contrast, what are the advantages compared with other ghostwriters?

A3:We will launch a series of marketing activities to allow users to better participate in our game ecosystem.










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